Sunday, September 29, 2013

Leila Forouhar - Baz Havaye Vatanam Arezoost | لیلا فروهر -هوای وطن

ايران عزيزمان ... ... ما خانم شما! شما در دل ما زنده و روح. ما هرگز از ياد نخواهم برد یا دانای نهان. من دعا مي كنم كه يك روز ممكن است بزودي ما بازگشت و نفس در آزادی از سرزمين ما دوباره ... انشالله. اين آهنگ و خواننده آن فراتر از فروريختن ... من احساس شكست آن احساسات باعث اميدوارى در من.

 I am covered in goosebumps listening to this stunning and classical song, sung incredibly beautifully by Leila Farouhar! She truly proves to have a magnificently well trained voice in this song....I am indeed impressed.
It is so very sad causes me to feel so blue to have lost My brings tears to My eyes, indeed. IRAN...Our homeland...ايران

 Iran....our beloved country....we miss you! You live in our hearts and souls. We shall never forget or forsake you.
I pray that one day soon we may return and breath in the freedom of our land again...God willing.
This song and it's singer are beyond amazing....I feel overwhelmed by the feelings it provokes in me.
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

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